Thursday, 31 May 2012

Who merits RESERVATION???

Reservation in India is a much debatable topic and in right sense too. You give reservation to one community and the others feel left out or betrayed.
The problem is that we, the youth of India, also think from our heart rather than our head, precisely what our politicians want---Divide and Rule policy.

The question then arises is, do we need reservation or not. Well the answer is YES and NO.

YES--- because India is a vast country with serious socio-economic divide. 5% Indians control the money in India. This divide was spotted pretty much at the time of writing our constitution by those learned men and hence they provided for reservation to BACKWARD CLASSES. And that is precisely where reservation should be given. To people who are economically so weak that they can't afford two square meals a day. Unfortunately our highly-arrogant and ignorant and rather vote seeking politicians converted CLASS to CASTE and begun the war that has literally torn apart our youth.

NO--- because reservation on the basis of CASTE has no merit. If even after 60 years of independence and many decades of reservation has failed to uplift the backward castes, then it will fail to uplift them in future too. In the northern india millions of OBCs and SC/STs are actually millionaires who have enough money in their coffers and also enjoy reservation. Similarly a general candidate has to be rich or economically sound has no scientific backing. Poor are poor irrespective of caste.

The only divide between human beings that should merit reservation is ECONOMIC BACKWARDNESS and not religion, or caste. Unless we the youth of india put our fingers in the eyes of the politicians and show them what should actually happen, we are going towards a real sad phase--- BECOMING A BIG (UN)HAPPY FAMILY OF BACKWARD PEOPLE.