Friday 30 May 2014

When Love goes Berserk...

Love is really the most important and powerful emotion. It is love and its cousin passion which is driving the entire world; both living and non-living. And when love goes crazy some really crazy stuff can be expected. I experienced it first hand......................... as a spectator.

I am a light sleeper. A squeal of a mouse is enough to wake me up. And this quality has increased in me ever since my son was born. Since he wakes up at night and my wife is a sound sleeper so my brain has got tuned to be always in an alert state.
Anyways, that night it was around 1:40 am when I heard a grunt. A distant grunt. And followed by some heavy footsteps.

Arjun Albert, my son, was sleeping peacefully. I looked at his peaceful face. He looked so cute. But when he is awake, he is a complete don. The entire household revolves around him; literally. My string of thoughts was interrupted by another grunt. This time it was pretty near. And it immediately was followed by a series of heavy footsteps, some more grunts, more heavy steps, running......

My first reaction was that the sounds was coming from the next door neighbour's home which was occupied by a newly married couple. I was smiling initially when I was struck by the thought. But now I knew it was a love of different kind at work.

I peeped through the partially open window. In front of me was a dark, massive figure. A bull. And then another one. A small one. Another smaller one. and 5-6 more. Then I saw a COW...... sitting on the road. And all the bulls engaged in fight. No body was shouting. Just grunts. Horns locked. The two most massive ones were engaged in a duel. In the middle of the road, two massive bulls were engaged in a fight for the cow who had no idea why in the middle of night these bulls have got crazy. Anyways it was nightmare for me. See I am a hyperactive person, when it comes to safety. And I knew if this fiight moves sideways and they ram into the wall of our room it will fall like a pack of cards. I have no regards for GDA's construction. They use cement in sand rather than sand in cement.

As I watched the massive ones kept pushing each other forward or backwards. And I was praying vehemently that this fight should not move sideways.And my prayer was hardly over when I heard a loud noise. I rushed to my kitchen to see what had happened as the sound emanated from there. I was shocked to see the two massive figures almost inside our veranda. The newly constructed veranda wall had partially collapsed. I froze in fear. The bulls were not ready to give up. Then they moved on to the road again, much to my relief, and the next thing I saw was the neighbour's car (Maruti 800 old model) being pushed out of our lane. By the time i realized what was happening i heard commotion from the other side of the street, near my bed room. As i reached there and peeped out again I saw that sensing a possible escape route the cow dashed out of the street from the other side followed by 7-9 smaller bulls running after her.

With my street and home now safe and a collapsed wall, which I can only take care of the next day, I decided to sleep.

The next day, the actual picture dawned on us. Two cars, one auto, four walls and a couple of cycles had been extensively damaged in the previous night's fight for love.