Saturday 18 August 2012

The Hermit and the story of the Lucky Pigeons !!!

There lived in a Kingdom a King who ruled with much Love and care for his citizens. He was fond of astrology and predictive sciences and believed a lot about omens. Omens are the signs of nature which bring good luck or bad luck to people. The King was particularly in awe of an omen which stated, "If anyone sees three pairs of male and female white pigeons at one place, he/she will become wise, healthy and abundantly rich within a short span of life." 

So one day he sent out his trusted employees in search for such coupled pigeons. They were instructed that the moment they find one they should inform the King and the King will go himself and see the Omen.

So all the employees started searching around the huge palatial garden for such a Omen. One of the employees Ramu was looking for such a Omen when he came across a palatial wall on which three pairs of male and female white pigeons were sitting. He immediately went back and informed the King about the Location of the Omen.

The King set out immediately. When the king and Ramu reached the wall Ramu excitedly cried out loud and pointed towards the pigeons. As he did so the pigeons flew away.  The King got infuriated and marched back. He caught of hold of Ramu and told him that  he wasted the King's time and energy and because of him the king couldn't see the Omen hence he will be punished. Ramu pleaded innocence but the king won't listen. The King finally announced that Ramu will be hanged to death publicly for speaking a lie to the King.

Hearing this announcement and the entire story of Ramu a wise Hermit decided to meet the king. The hermit told the king, "O King. Why do you punish the poor man?"  The King replied, "Because he wasted my time and disturbed the Omen due to which the pigeons flew away."
The Hermit said, "O King you are a learned person and yet you can't see your folly? It was Ramu who saw the Omen and look he is facing death for it. Don;t you see that the Omen is actually bad as it is on the verge of killing the poor man?? Had you seen the Omen yourself don't you think you would have also ended up like this??? So hasn't Ramu actually saved you??? Think over it whether the Omen was actually good or bad??"

The king understood his folly and not only released Ramu but also rewarded him.

In general life too we tend to listen a lot to hearsay and believe in so called Omens and urban legends without verifying the truth of the claims.