Monday 2 January 2017

Why I will never let my Son become a School Teacher ....

I followed my heart.
I became what I wanted to.
But today it seems it is the biggest mistake of my life.

I am a school teacher and teaching had always been my passion. This is what I can do the best. And that is precisely what I have been doing all these years. And the repercussions have been so bad till now that there are times I wonder why I became a teacher at the first place. And this is what has forced me to make up my mind that I will indoctrinate my son from an early age against becoming a teacher. At least a school teacher. And here are my reasons.

1. Society and Family.
2. Salary
3. Administration
4. Students
5. Parents


The people who remain close to you always is your family. But what happens when they are the ones who term you a failure simply because you followed your dream to be a teacher?
When I talk to people i find I am taken for granted, and people actually make fun of me. For people en-mass a teacher is a person who is a failure in everything that he has done and hence a teacher. And I don't disagree with them completely because now a days mostly (99%) of those people become teachers who have either tried and failed or simply didn't want to do anything else.

People think teaching is like taking a walk in a park... except that it is a Jurrasic park....


How much does an average PRT/TGT or PGT makes?

Peanuts. Yup peanuts. I am presently In a school that somewhat adheres to Central Pay Scales. So I am still kind of better of than my not so lucky counterparts.

Digest this. The teachers who taught me get 25K less than what I get as a teacher. My experience about 10  years. Theirs is about 25 to 30 years or more.
One of the least paid jobs is that of a teacher. In an average school a teacher gets paid way less than whhat a peon of a government job gets.

Thats the real pain in ass. School admin which includes school owners, Principals and Admin people look down at teachers as if we are donkeys to be used as beast of burden. Principals tend to forget that at one point of time they were teachers too. The funniest part is You ask for a raise and they will point out all kinds of mistakes that we have ever made. And the moment you ask for a leave you become the most important person in the entire school as if the school will come to a standstill without you.


I have come to the conclusion that never trust two kinds of people in school. The school administration and the students. They will say one thing in front of you and the exact opposite behind you. Though not universally applicable  it is a recurrent phenomenon. Students don't listen... and you cannot punish them. One particular case I came across has the guts to literally blast and challenge the principal ... i will do what i want to... what can you do?. So understand what we teachers are in front of such students.

We can handle everyone but the parents. There was a time when a poor grade by a students will incur wrath of parents on the students. Now we are forced to give good grades to students even if they perform badly. Else parents will say "we pay you. why cant our kids get good marks".
My reaction... go to hell. 

I will never let my son be a school teacher. Nopes. No way. he can be a peon if he wants to or anything else but a school teacher. 

Happy New Year - 2017

My friends have played a vital role in my life. They pulled me out of ignorance. Some real stupid, idiotic, form of ignorance. Today let me describe one.

The year was 2000. I was into my 18th revolution around the sun. And was doing ok in physics, bad in math and pathetically in chemistry in my school. Had to give up biology in favor of computer science. But still was going ok.

I always searched for explanations to anything and everything that i saw around me. One such thing was HOW ARE BABIES BORN? Now I knew they initially reside inside MOTHER'S BELLIES. And probably they were taken out after cutting open the mother's bellies. (Well I was only somewhat correct about it. Not completely). But the biggest question that bothered me was HOW DID THE BABIES END UP INSIDE THE MOTHER"S BELLIES IN THE FIRST PLACE?

As a scientist that I was in those days I had my own theories and they were backed up by solid evidence that i could gather from TV shows and Movies.

Man and Woman get married and almost a year later they have a baby. See the hypothesis stand proven. What was my hypothesis?


Bingo. It always was the case as I saw in TV.

Then one fine day my hypothesisi shook a bit.

I saw a christian marriage and a muslim nikah. In both cases there was no fire. So i was pretty perplexed.  

Another point which I was not sure was why some of my friends used to talk about using the device during sex. My idea of sex was limited to kissing.


I knew by my own logic that take-a-round-of-fire-to-get-baby-in-belly was not on solid ground and something was amiss.  
It looks like yesterday only that for the first time I went to Satyam iWay (a chain of cyber cafes in the early 2000s) and for the first time I opened up a website with my friend.... let us call him P for the sake of hiding his identity. The first ever site I opened or rather I was introduced to was I was aghast, baffled, ecstatic, infuriated, curious and ... well every emotion you name and I had on that day in front of the system. With a whopping Rs. 60 per hour in 2001 it was a very costly one hour but we were enlightened. Specially me.

At the age of 18 for the first time in my life I now knew what to do with my device. I mean i came to know what exactly is it used for. Till that day I was pretty much unsure as to what happens exactly with the device of mine.

So one of my questions was solved. What happens during sex? 

But the question that was bothering me was about the babies.

So one fine day, near about 1st or 2nd January I called up by best friend AA and asked her the question straight away.

She laughed and blasted me at the same time. I told her she being a female should be able to answer it better.

The best part was that I had studied in Biology chapter on Reproduction that when Male Sperm and Female Eggs meet a zygote is formed and then foetus and then baby. But in my infinite wisdom I totally didnt connect the dots.

So on that day AA gave me a step by step GYAN of what happens.

COmbined with my newly acquired knowledge from the enlightening site and the explanation from AA I now knew what happens.

I felt stupid. I mean I cannot explain in any better term how foolish I felt.

In fact in many movies the touching of two flowers also made me think was the reason of child birth.

SO while P gave me the BRAHMA GYAAN of the use of device..... AA gave me the gyaan of what happens thereafter.

That was 17 years back. Now when I look back I feel so stupid of myself.

But then i think i was better off a kid than a grown up person. As we grow up our minds corrupt.

Wish I could remain a child always.

Anyways Happy New Year folks..... May you too come out of ignorance.... whatever it may be...