Friday, 19 July 2013

Being Dad

There was a time, not too far in the recent past, when I used to literally scream at my dad for being over protective. I used to make fun of my dad and used to crack jokes on him at his back.
  • When I used to go out for some time I would know that dad would call the moment he would think I am getting late. 
  • When I went out for excursions or trips dad would ask me what my name was; my father's name; my address etc. etc. just to make sure that I knew the details. This happened as recent as 2010 when I went to Hyderabad. 
  • When I would travel with him, it would be an out right embarrassment for me. He would be traveling with me on a rickshaw and his hands would be literally guiding the traffic around the rickshaw out of the fear that something might hit the rickshaw and eventually me.
  • When I would sneeze or cough I would get an emotional speech about how I am neglecting my health and how I am important for him. 
  • When I would injure my self he would be the one to blast me and take me to the doctor.
  • Going to the doctor was another embarrassment. He would surely come into the chamber and talk to the doctor as if I were an infant.
  • Even till date he gave my age to the railway ticket booker as 19. For him I am yet to grow up.

For all the above he always got scoldings from me; shouts and sometimes I really screamed for being so protective and I would tell him it was really embarrassing. I would throw tantrums and let him know that all this was unnecessary and he would just smile and say one thing, "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT ANXIETY OF BEING A DAD. THE DAY YOU BECOME ONE, YOU WOULD REALIZE".

Today, I am the father of a 4 month old boy. And I am slowly realizing what my dad once told me after I blasted him for being too protective and interfering in my life when he suggested and literally pushed me to the doctor for repeatedly sneezing. He said, "The day you become a dad, will you understand the thoughts and anxieties that a dad can suffer from. Only a dad can understand the true love and affection hidden behind such behaviors. become a dad first."

All I can say to my dad today is, "YES DAD I NOW KNOW WHAT YOU USED TO FEEL". 

I am really feeling how it feels BEING DAD....