Friday, 15 June 2012

Beauty and Danger

As I stated in my last post that beauty and danger go hand in hand, here is why I think so.
Think about the most beautiful things in the universe (and I am not talking about girls at all !!!! - they are by default dangerous).
Let me help you a bit.

The above are some of the most beautiful things in the universe, and there can hardly be anything more dangerous than the above.
Similarly the following
 So very beautiful, isn't it? But what about the dangers lurking around them?
You miss a turn and end up right at the bottom of a ravine; probably dead.
Similarly one star explodes into a nebula, and everything around it is destroyed.
Similarly seemingly beautiful things always have danger lurking around them.

Isn;t it? May be i couldn;t convince you thins time. Next time I will come up with a more convincing reason. Till then, bye.