Monday 1 August 2011

God and Science.

How many times do we ask ourselves whether we believe in god or not? Almost on a daily basis, may be sometimes but none is there who NEVER asks this question.

Being a student of Physics, I am at times urged by many to refrain from openly speaking out my views in favour or against the topic related to God. But then just because I have studied a few books and learnt a few mathematics makes me any different from being a human being? Surely not. So today i thought it is a good idea to speak out my mind about God.

I don't know whether there is any such thing as God which created the universe (or may be the Multiverse) and us too and who presides over our every move, scrutinises every step we take, counts how many times we spoke a lie only to punish us later or counts our good deeds to bless us. Frankly I don't know if there is any such God and if at all one exists then I would like to know why we presume that He/ She would be so preoccupied with tiny creatures like us and our day to day lives. But frankly again, I don't know if such a God actually exists.
Then what is God in which I do believe? Well I have a faith. A faith according to which I am looked over by someone who knows me better than i do, who has the ability to guide me in my darkest hours and who is unconditional in his/her approach. I can't give it a human form for it is just a belief, a faith, but still I call it Krsna, Ram, Allah, Jesus and so on. So for me, God is a personal faith of a power which resides inside me and guides me always. Hard core scientists can call it intuition, probability, chance or just a figment of imagination, but for me it is God. and yet my god doesn't make me fight with a human being who believes in his / her god. That places me away from the realm of religion and places me in the vicinity of spirituality. And yet I am abhored by both men of science and religion because I don't call God a Hoax and I don't kill people in the name of God.
isn't it a peculiar situation?
I am still thinking about it.
Someday i intend to figure out the rest of my thoughts and then I will put my thoughts into words.

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