Sunday 29 July 2012

A string of events

As I sat looking at the cloud laden sky, I went down the memory lane. So many things have happened since childhood days. And as I was pondering over them a thought stuck me. Looking at things carefully everything makes sense. It is like a huge labyrinth of paths all connected to form a series of events which shape our lives. Let me start from my school days. I wanted to be a physicist and never took engineering seriously. Had I not gone for coaching class for the study of physics I would have got more marks and would have been at a better college in DU but scored poorly in Chemistry and Math and ended up at Deshbandhu. Then again i scored poorly at graduation level and somehow got into MSc at Jamia. There I made the worst mistake of my life (atleast that is what i think) by not joining Theoretical Physics. My teachers and class mates pleaded me to join but I didn't. So never really understood what I wanted to in Physics and hence got left out of the contention. Then I joined DPSGV instead of DPS Meerut Road as a Physics Teacher. Another decision which changed my course of life. Then I cracked PhD entrance to JNU but had to leave after 6 months. Another life changing decision. Then I joined S.Chand Publications and lo it changed my life completely. Met a girl there who after I left S.Chand introduced me to another girl who happens to be my wife now (Swagata). Now that is called a life changer. Then I joined and left two engineering colleges only to move back to publication from where I made some really cool friends and then I joined DPS Rajnagar. Had Piyush Chawla, the owner of Vikas Publications, not taken that ludicrous decision, neither would I have joined DPS Rajnagar nor would I have come across a very innovative person with whom I am working now at Amity, nor would I have gained my such good friends.

Strange, but true, life is nothing but a series of choices that we make and their consequences. Newton's third law at work. Or is it so???  

1 comment:

swarnita said...

Ya, i think so..we keep getting options in life and based on what we choose, consequences follow.
But i dont understand how we're suppose to know which option would be the best?!