Wednesday 19 December 2012

Are we really civilized ????!!!!

Are we civilized human beings?
This is one question I had been asking myself ever since I read about the rape of the Physiotherapist in Munirka.
That rape in itself is a horrific crime and on that the brutality met out to the girl has been too hard to gulp. It is like a tight slap on our face who claim to be living in a civilized society. Society is made of people like us and also includes those guys who committed this horrific crime. I think it is high time we restore the balance and make our country a safe place to live for women. It is high time we do something, anything.
A day after the incident I happened to go to a shop to buy something when the shopkeeper started to speak about this incident and pinned the entire guilt on the girl. According to him the girl should not have ventured out like this at night and she wanted to have this so she got it. I got so infuriated that I blasted him back by saying that it is this mentality like his' that these incidents are happening.

Why should a girl not venture out at night? Why should she not wear what she wants to? We teach our daughters and sisters to dress up properly; but do we teach our boys not to RAPE girls? Do we teach our boys to have respect for GIRLS? No. I suppose not.

I believe that a girl has all the right to venture out even at 2:00 at night and dressed whatever she feels like and no one ABSOLUTELY NO GUY has the right to even touch her let alone do anything else.

If this cannot be taught easily, this should be done the tough way. Sometimes violence becomes the only way to end violence as America did by dropping atomic bombs on Japan. And I think something can be done now.

As a reader what do you think should be done?

1. The criminals, not only these ones but every rapist, and molester should be castrated in full public view and then they should be allowed to live with the sign of what they did. This would be worse than death as death would be an easy way out.

2. Children, specially boys, from early life should be sensitized about these horrific crimes and what that can lead to. Sometimes fear is a good deterrent.

3. Our police should be sensitized too to handle even the minorest of issues carefully and positively.

4. Our society needs to be sensitized and taught that a girl has all the right to be what she is and live the life her way. A boy comes late and he was working hard.... a girl comes late and her character is questioned..... such stupid mentality has to be cleared .....

Probably we will be able to make our society better for our offsprings....

My prayers and wishes are with the girl who is fighting for her life ......

1 comment:

Surabhi said...

its a really good write-up've nailed some real issues over is outraged and all urban upper/middle class citizens on coming across such news are condemning and speaking about these cases and demanding stricter laws and stricter punishment...two most important issues over here that i want to speak,these horrific savage incidents happen everyday in villages especially against lower caste/class women by upper caste men to assert their domination, in crisis-ridden areas of Manipur, North-East, Kasmir,and naxalite areas legitimately and unabashedly carried out by military and the police...then as domestic/sexual violence in many Indian homes,but the mainstream corporate media does not give any coverage to them with all such cases going unnoticed/unreported/unregistered..and these cases fade away in darkness with the victims neither getting justice nor social sympathy and support...another major issue over here is that its not only about stringent laws and vigilance..its about the disease/pathos of our society that has a large modernity gap, is not evolved and the reason behind all this is the strong patriarchal structure/culture of India as a nation right from the Manu days to present days that worships and prizes the male child as superior sex and the female child as a burden and inferior sex..this thinking is very well manifested in the upbringing of male/female child in all the average Indian homes and it is at home itself that breeds a culture of disrespecting women/undermining their identity and dignity as a person and treating them a secondary citizens...unless there is an erosion of the inherently patriarchal structure of our society and the evolution/change in the conventional mind-sets of people who privilege male child over female child and discriminates against them the culture of rape is not going to evade and society will keep on breeding/nurturing and protecting the deviants from exerting their sexually errant behavior...also if India really needs to progress in a holistic way then the age old regressive caste system has to be fiercely opposed and eroded to achieve an egalitarian society that respects everyone equally irrespective caste/class/religion etc.