Saturday 3 August 2013

The most remarkable day of my llife

Today I can safely claim to be one of the most remarkable days of my life. Probably The most remarkable day. 

When I was 13 years old I got my specs with an eye power of -3.0 in both eyes. Ever since my specs had been my companion. Around 4-5 years back my eye sight slowly worsened to -5.5 in both eyes. This was till last night.

Generally on week days I read newspapers in the evening as I don't get time to read them in the morning. On weekends and holidays I read the paper in the morning. Last evening I put on my specs (of power -5.5) and read the newspaper.

Today morning when I sat down to read the news paper with my specs on I found to my horror that I was unable to read the paper. When I looked around my vision was hazy and I was not able to figure out objects.

Frustrated I removed the specs and viola!!!! I could read the newspaper from a distance which was impossible. I was astonished. What was happening was just impossible and yet it seemed my eye sight had improved.

I went to Dr. PK Jain, who happens to be a famous eye surgeon here, and he confirmed my doubt. But even he was astonished to see that my eye sight had improved drastically from -5.5 to -2.5. This was something remarkable. The most astonishing part was that it all happened in a span of 12 hours. Last evening my eyesight was -5.5 and 12 hours later it was at -2.5.

I am really overjoyed. Whatever the reason I know that my eye sight has really improved and this is a really remarkable event of my life.

1 comment:

Shubhank Tyagi said...

Such a Drastic Change !!! :o
But thats a good thing... ;)
Sir, See.. Even good things Happen ... ;) :D