Sunday 15 September 2013

A Teacher's Apology

This apology was long overdue.

All those teachers who are teachers "by choice" and not "by default" will understand and appreciate what I am about to apologize about, but I don't expect the same from the "by default" teachers. So that means only about 2% of all the teachers who will be reading this apology will appreciate and understand the apology and very frankly I can live with that number.

For sometime now I have been reading in newspapers, magazines and listening to debates and discussions on TV channels regarding the degradation of the education system of our nation and how students are shying away from pure and basic sciences and even higher regions of technical education in favour of money minting careers. Surprisingly I have found that the very people who are debating over this topic, for example Principals of various schools, expert teachers and panel members and concerned parents, are the ones responsible for this degradation. And unfortunately they are now trying to pull me into their ranks.

I would today tender a humble apology to my students, student's parents, school administrators and other related or unrelated people regarding what I am trying to do.

All my life I have striven to make my students understand physics and implement it. Day in and day out I have been trying to help my students understand the fun of physics and at the same time I have been designing questions that would help me judge their mettle. I believe in trial-by-fire method when it comes to examinations. My students are forever scared about my question papers for they know very well I will force them to think. And today I would say I am really sorry for that. I am sorry to have forced you to think. I am sorry to have forced you to get rid of rote-learning. I am sorry to have asked questions in exams which seem to be out of syllabus but very well a part of the topic and you got trapped in my trap. I am sorry folks. I am sorry for testing your knowledge and application abilities. I am sorry that because of me and my questions you guys are not able to score brilliantly. And I am sorry to have put you through the trial by fire.

All my life I have tried to tell the parents of students the necessity of exercising one's brains and have time and again requested them to stop looking at marks for once and concentrate on concepts and their application instead. And I am sorry for have failed you miserably. I failed to make you understand the need of self learning; the need of scientific exploration; the need of thinking out of the box; and the need to apply concepts. I have failed you and I am extremely sorry for that. I failed to give set questions to your children beforehand so that I may later make question paper from the same set of questions thereby giving your child a shot at fame. I am sorry. Extremely sorry to have asked questions to your children which seem to be out of topic but are very much based on the same principles that I have taught them. I am sorry.

Finally I am sorry to the various administrators I have worked under. I failed to comply to your diktats. I failed to teach students the way you wanted. I failed to keep both students (your "customers") and their parents (your "clients") happy by teaching them only what is given in NCERT and nothing more. I went beyond NCERT. I tried to pull my students up to a standard. I tried to make them think and reason out everything and in the process I told them to write their own answers; I told them to think beyond the obvious; I told them not to believe in what everyone believes unless you have necessary proofs; I set questions so hard that your customers failed miserably. I am sorry to the admin to have made such blunders.

Finally I would apologize to the entire fraternity of teachers (specially the 98% default teachers) whom I have often landed in trouble for my histrionics. I tried out different methods and ways and topics to teach and you guys had to emulate it. I landed you in trouble. I am sorry for that. I am sorry for trying to teach beyond the normal topics. I am sorry for not listening to you when you told me, "Sir, work only as much as you are paid". I am sorry.

But I would also like to say sorry to you all for the future to come.
I am sorry as I am going to make life tough for my students.
I am sorry for I am going to ask questions related to the concepts that I will teach but will not be explicitly given in the book.
I am sorry as I am going to push my students into a trial by fire; I will make their lives miserable by giving them small but challenging homeworks and projects to do.
I am sorry as I will not let my students get into the habit of rote learning.
I am sorry for i will not stick to NCERT.
I am sorry for I will not let any other teacher or admin guy interfere in my way of teaching.
Guys I am going to be sorry for many more things. I hope I will get more chances to apologize to you all.


Shubhank Tyagi said...

Sir Come what may.. But I'm gonna learn only in your way...!!

Manish Chauhan said...

sir u r d fav tchr of all stdnts bcz of ur way of tchng... all stdnts lv u and like u "by coice" not "default"...

Shreya said...

wow..that is!