Tuesday 26 November 2013

The Miserable Life !!

Life so miserable, I can hardly open my eyes
It seems it will pass in a jiffy, while I watch it pass
In front of my eyes, moist and reluctant to let go of the past.

I could have, should have, may be are all dead
I thought I will but I failed
In this failure today I try to find solace

How, when and where did it all go wrong
I know and yet I can do nothing
For the time has fleeting sense and I cannot go back.

At times I feel angry, but I can't shout
I feel betrayed, but I can't punish
For it is me and only me who has done it all.

Till I die I will live with this
That I could have but I didn't
That I should have, but I couldn't

Wish the time comes back
Or gives me one more chance
So I may redeem myself.

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