Wednesday 30 May 2012

I joined the Gym...... Well Almost !!!!

Having taken birth in a bengali family may have its disadvantages one of which is you tend to grow a pot belly which shows that you love to eat food without any regard to your health. And same with me. I had a pot belly which had been growing steadily along with my weight which stood at 82 kg. With a height of just over 5 ft 7 inches I was a good 15 kg overweight and that I started to feel on my lower back.
Well after one such phase in which I had to be bed ridden for quite some time, my brother and parents decided to send me to a Gym !!! ( I was not married then)
"A Gym!!!!", my jaws dropped. "What will i do in a gym?". I asked protestingly. I am made of lazy bones and going to a Gym was nothing short of a nightmare for me. More so because with it would get affected my food habit too. "No, I am not going". I said sternly.

The next evening I was standing outside BABA GYM, a local one out here along with my brother. My protests usually never bear any significance and that was the reason I was standing there.

The Gym trainer was introduced to me by my brothr and the guy instantly knew why I was there. He told me to get warmed up. His prescription of warm up was: 10 minutes on a treadmill (I almost lost my jaws to it after I fell on the rotating path of the machine), 10 minutes on cycle (I was happily cycling when the trainer came and raised the difficulty level to the maximum; could hardly rotate the paddle after that), 10 minutes jumping with both knees near the chest (couldn't do even one as m=none of my jumps were high enough), 15 pushups (was flat after 2 and half), 15 crunches ( didin't do it at all as nobody noticed) and a jog around the gym. Well you can very well understand after my body warmed up what would have happened to me.

I some how escaped citing that it was the first day only and I don't wanna fall sick. !!!!

The next day the trainer was even more harsh. This time he asked my to cycle and do treadmill and then asked me to run up and down a staircase 10 times. The staircase was the same one through which everyone would climb into the gym (the gym was in the basement).

The first two times I ran up and down at my top speed (what big mistake!!!) on the third lap my breath went out of control but I survived. Fourth and fifth lap I don't remember. By the time I was into my sixth lap my knees started to shake and my body started to shout for water and rest.  but i persisted. Seventh and Eighth were shear pain. On the ninth lap my knees and legs started shaking violently, my throat got dry, my hearth was thumping against my rib cage and would have come out had the rib cage not been there. Finally as I started upwards on the tenth lap I reached the top of the stair, near the door, and went through it to reach the road. Kept running, or rather jogging, to the end of the road. Took a rickshaw to my home. Reached my block, got down near a juice corner, has two large mango shakes and staggered back home.

That was the end of my GYM......

It was three years back.
Now I am better off. My weight is now around 94 kg !!! a whooping 25 kg overweight. And my potbelly won't allow some of my favourite trousers to fit on me.

And the daily howl of protest has begun again. GO TO GYM. And guess what this time my wife is after my life.

And I know last time I lost 300 rupees as I ran away after one day only. I don't want to lose 3000 this time. But I can't resist going to GYM as well.... God saves me.

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