Friday 25 May 2012


How many times have you punished someone for speaking a lie? How many times have you punished someone for not doing what you wanted him or her to do? How many times have you punished someone for calling you by names or hurling abusive words at you or being selfish ........and the list goes on????
Many times. Isn't it?
Then welcome to the largest group of hypocrites who ever roamed on this earth; we human beings.
Why I said hypocrites? Because we are ready to lie at the drop of hat but can't withstand one lie told to us. Because we can do n number of unlawful things against other but can't stand one against us. Because we are ready to have a relation outside marriage but cannot accept our better halves doing the same. We human beings by nature are bloody hypocrites.

And unfortunately, I am also one of them.

We generally judge people so easily; we are ready to punish people for their mistakes without realizing that we also posses the same weaknesses. So how can we punish someone for mistakes we always commit; for weaknesses we all posses? This is something beyond my understanding.

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